Take Home Folder

Facilitates communication between school and home.
When to use:
- To create open lines of communication between school and home.
- At the end of each school day, once a week, or to send important information home with students.
How to use:
- Provide each student a folder that is sent home on a set schedule (every Tuesday) or as needed.
- Possible contents: schoolwide notes, letters about classroom activities, school newsletter and any other information that needs to be communicated to the family.
- The student takes the folder home and returns it to a specific classroom location as part of a morning routine.
- Some students may need visual supports to complete the return routine independently.
- If your school has a school-wide system in place, follow it. It is not uncommon for elementary schools to have a specific colored folder that goes home once a week, you do not need to create a new system for your students.