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Displaying 11 - 20 of 97

Autism, Behavior, Instruction, Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Reinforcement Using Token System

For longer activities, earned tokens can provide a tangible representation of completing smaller components within the task. The tokens are often traded for a larger reinforcer at the completion of the task.

ARD/IEP Supports, Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Instruction, Evaluation

Show Me

This series visually showcases strategies and techniques educators can put into practice right away.
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Inclusion, Instruction

Math for All

Helps educators build capacity in understanding how specific disabilities impact students’ learning of mathematics.

Inclusion, Instruction

Literacy for All

Helps educators understand the importance of teaching students who struggle to read on grade level in grades 4-12 foundational reading skills.

Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Instruction

Data Collection

This video shows one educator reviewing some of the data collection forms used frequently by her classroom team.