
Autism, Transition
Supported Decision-Making and Guardianship: Parent Perspectives
Important information for parents as they consider what kind of adult decision-maker their child will be
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Autism, Behavior, Transition
Transition Assessment
Doing good assessment allows educators to craft the best possible plan for our students. Featuring Erik Carter, Ph.D.
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Recording Student Progress
Marissa talks about collecting data using information from the student's entire educational team.
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Autism, Transition
Daniel on Recreation and Leisure
Daniel discusses how recreation and leisure is fun but does not always come easy to individuals with autism.
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Autism, Evaluation
Formal and Informal Assessment of Autism
Part 4 of a series, this course examines the importance of the evaluation team; the information to be gathered from interviews, and assessments.
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Necesidades de los padres para la planeación de la transición
Ellen y Steve Kester comparten su experiencia personal como padres de un joven con autismo. Esta parte de su entrevista se centra en los recursos que les han resultado ventajosos mientras recorren la vida junto con su hijo.
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Autism, Transition
Personal Networks
The importance of developing a personal network to build support for the future.
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Autism, Behavior
Data Collection - Labels
Data is taken on labels, then moved to a tracking sheet at a time that's convenient for you.
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