Foster Care and Student Success Resource Guide

In collaboration with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, the Supreme Court of Texas, and the Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth and Families (Children's Commission), TEA has developed a resource to support Texas schools in addressing the education of students in foster care: Texas Foster Care & Student Success Resource Guide (2022).
This e-guide and training manual contain a variety of key researched-based topics and calls attention to important matters related to the education of students in foster care. The guide promotes best practices and contains numerous tips, tools, resources, and links to more information. Chapter 12 is devoted to foster care students eligible for or receiving special education services and covers a variety of topics, including special education eligibility, serving as the 'parent' for special education decisions, requesting an evaluation, and more.
It is TEA’s intention that the guide be widely used and distributed. Please share with your districts, schools, and networks. The guide is available in a variety of formats.