Technology-aided Instruction and Intervention

Technology-aided instruction and intervention (TAII) are those in which technology is the central feature of an intervention that supports the goal or outcome for the student. Technology is defined as “any electronic item/equipment/application/or virtual network that is used intentionally to increase/maintain, and/or improve daily living, work/productivity, and recreation/leisure capabilities of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders” (Odom, Thompson, et al., 2013). TAII incorporates a broad range of devices, such as speech-generating devices, smart phones, tablets, computed-assisted instructional programs, and virtual networks. The common features of these interventions are the technology itself and instructional procedures for learning to use the technology or supporting its use in appropriate contexts. Participants will be able to:Define technology-aided instruction and intervention Identify what skills to teach using technology-aided instruction and intervention Identify the steps for implementing technology-aided instruction and intervention Locate resources