Significant Cognitive Disabilities

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Autism, Behavior, Instruction, Significant Cognitive Disabilities


Prompting is an evidence-based practice designed to direct a student’s attention. Using the least restrictive prompt possible allows for quick fading.

Autism, Behavior, Instruction, Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Reinforcement Using Token System

For longer activities, earned tokens can provide a tangible representation of completing smaller components within the task. The tokens are often traded for a larger reinforcer at the completion of the task.

Autism, Behavior, Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Student At-A-Glance

A quick reference sheet detailing student likes, dislikes, reinforcers, IEP goals, and more.
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ARD/IEP Supports, Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Instruction, Evaluation

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This series visually showcases strategies and techniques educators can put into practice right away.
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