Crafting Connections: Contemporary Applied Behavior Analysis for Enriching the Lives of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder

One of the most critical elements of working with students who have autism spectrum disorder is the emphasis on teaching authentic social skills on multiple, complex levels. When all is said and done, improving the quality of life for a person with autism must be our most important objective.
In this workshop, Dr. Ron Leaf will discuss the strategies and detail the programs that have been critical in achieving success with individuals with autism. He will share the success stories of clients who have developed meaningful relationships and entered the world of dating. Through discussion, videos and case presentations, participants will be better able to assist their students in improving their quality of life.
Dr. Ronald Leaf is a licensed psychologist who has over thirty years of experience in the field of autism. Dr. Leaf began his career working with Professor Ivar Lovaas, while receiving his undergraduate degree at UCLA. Subsequently, he received his doctorate under the direction of Dr. Lovaas. During his professional training at UCLA, he served as Clinic Supervisor, Research Psychologist, Lecturer, and Interim Director of the Young Autism Project.
Dr. Leaf was extensively involved in many of the Young Autism Project research investigations, contributed to The Me Book, and is co-author of The Me Book Videotapes, a series of instructional tapes offering training for teaching autistic children. He is co-author of A Work in Progress, a manual on behavioral treatment of autism, It’s Time for School! Building Quality ABA Educational Programs For Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Sense And Nonsense In The Behavioral Treatment of Autism: It Has To Be Said and Crafting Connections: Contemporary Applied Behavior Analysis for Enriching the Social Lives of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Dr. Leaf has consulted nationally and internationally with families, school districts, day programs and residential treatment facilities. Dr. Leaf served as the Director of Straight Talk’s Developmental Disabilities Services division for 15 years. This program provided residential and day treatment for adults with developmental disabilities. Dr. Leaf is also the Executive Director of Behavior Therapy and Learning Center, a mental health agency providing treatment, consultation and related services to parents, program staff and school personnel in the United States.