Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)

To get started, visit the ATIA and create a profile, including your ASHA membership number if applicable. View the learning catalog to find an offering that fits your needs. Once you add the offering to your cart, use the Texas-specific code to complete the process. Texas Code for 9/1/24 – 8/31/25: PD25TEA
TEA makes available a state subscription to the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) for all Texas educators and families of students with disabilities. This subscription provides free, unlimited access to ATIA professional development, which includes live and recorded offerings by national experts on a variety of topics across the spectrum of the assistive technology industry sectors.
Additionally, TEA has partnered with ATIA to offer professional development learning pathways specifically curated for Texas educators and families. There are pathways for special educators, general educators, related services providers, parents, and more!
Online courses are 60 to 90 minutes in length, and continuing education units (CEUs) are available once a course is completed.
ATIA even has professional development that offers American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) CEUs!