Aligned! 2025: From Child Find to IEP Implementation

Registration Now Open!
Join education professionals from across the state for this exciting free virtual conference as we explore child find, evaluation, admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) supports, transition, and early childhood special education (ECSE) topics. The Aligned! 2025: From Child Find to IEP Implementation conference provides expertise, best practices, and networking supports to assist public school district and charter schools.
- Educational Diagnosticians
- School Psychologists
- Speech-Language Pathologists
- Transition specialists and teachers
- ECSE specialists and teachers
- Dyslexia specialists and teachers, including providers of dyslexia instruction
- Special Education Teachers
- Administrators
- ARD committee managers/facilitators
Specific session topics will be announced closer to the conference.
As a result of this conference, the participant will be able to:
- Recognize effective child find practices.
- Identify comprehensive and integrated evaluation processes;
- Plan for transitions of students ages birth to 21;
- Integrate compliant ARD committee processes; and
- Develop appropriately ambitious individualized education programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities and provision of free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the Least restrictive environment (LRE).
Conference sessions will cover a variety of topics, including information from the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Child Find Early to Exit IEP Support grant, other TEA grantees, and ESC members that address child find, evaluation, and ARD supports topics on noncompliance (e.g., impact and needs statement), transition (e.g., postsecondary goals, transition assessments), full and individual evaluation (FIE), reevaluations, functional behavioral assessment (FBA), behavior intervention plan (BIP), etc.
CPE Credits:
Up to 12 CPE credit hours will be available for all attendees who participate in the live, synchronous sessions.
Recorded, asynchronous sessions will be available for 30 calendar days following the conference. CPE credit hours are not available for recorded, asynchronous sessions. The session costs are fully funded through state and/or federal grants.